Conveyor Systems & Equipment

An automated conveyor system can be a game changer when it comes to material movement. You may learn everything there is to know about the design, operation, and potential benefits of Spiroflow Conveying Solutions by comparing them to other types of conveyors.

Whether you’re moving sensitive electronics, coffee beans, or nuts, knowing the differences can help you make an informed choice.

Choosing the right system

Whether you need a simple flexible screw conveyor, a totally-enclosed tubular drag conveyor, or a complex multi-conveyor system, Spiroflow’s wide range of equipment means we can recommend the very best method for your specific material at each point in your process line. Our team of mechanical and electrical engineers is ready to discuss your specific needs. Our services extend from engineering and design, installation and commissioning to after sales services and spares.

Flexible Screw Conveyor Spiroflow

Flexible Screw Conveyors

Aero Mechanical Conveyors

Spiroflow cable drag conveyor

Cablevey Conveyors

Dynaflow Drag Chain Conveyors


Flexible Screw Conveyors

Welcome to Spiroflow’s world of flexible screw conveyors, where versatility meets efficiency. Our flexible screw conveyors are designed to transport materials in any direction, from horizontal to vertical, making them ideal for various applications. Explore the simplicity of their design, gentle product handling, and a cost-effective, low-maintenance operation. Discover how Spiroflow’s conveyor technologies can revolutionize your material handling needs.

Flexible Screw Conveyor Spiroflow
Aero-mechanical conveyor

Aero Mechanical Conveyors

Our Aeroflow aero mechanical conveyor has a tubular design where a cable assembly, with evenly spaced polyurethane discs, moves at high speed.  The cable assembly runs in specially designed sprockets at each corner and each end of the conveyor.  The action of the cable assembly traveling at high speed creates an air stream running at the same velocity.  As the material is fed into the airstream, it is fluidized and conveyed to the outlet where it is centrifugally ejected.

Cablevey Conveyors

Cablevey Conveyors specializes in manufacturing Cablevey cable drag conveyors – tubular conveyor systems known for their gentle handling, ideal for installations requiring multi-plane conveying. These conveyor belt systems are proficient in transporting fragile bulk products from multiple in-feed points to multiple discharge points, ensuring minimal damage over long distances.

Spiroflow cable drag conveyor
Aero-mechanical conveyor

Dynaflow Drag Chain Conveyors

In the world of material handling and industrial automation, the quest for efficiency, reliability, and versatility is ongoing. Our Dynaflow drag chain conveyors are a solution that has emerged as a game-changer in this arena. These conveyor solutions represent a remarkable fusion of engineering innovation and practicality, offering industries a reliable means to transport bulk materials smoothly and seamlessly.



Flexible Screw

Aero Mechanical


Dynaflow Drag
Chain Conveyors

Energy Consumption










Dust Control

Multiple inlets & outlets

Additional Equipment Options

Can Handle Liquids

Installation Costs ​




