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How Best to Inspire Tomorrow’s Engineers? – The Engineer Poll

Uk based publication ‘The Engineer’ conducted a poll on their website ‘How best to Inspire Young Engineers?’. At Spiroflow UK we are supporters of the STEM (Science, technology, engineering maths) Initiative with Development Engineer Craig Hollings & Managing Director James Podevyn being STEM Ambassadors. To learn more about how Spirolfow UK are involved in the STEM Initiative read our blog here. So when we saw this poll being conducted we were extremely interested in the results as our STEM ambassadors are always looking for ways to inspire young minds.

The questions were as follows:

After a week the results look like this:

The results of this poll allow us to focus on how we can best inspire young minds and suggest that focusing on how engineers make the world a better place is the best way to encourage young people into the field of engineering.

Henry Petroski famously said ‘As engineers, we were going to be in a position to change the world – not just study it.’ and with this advice in mind Spiroflow’s STEM ambassadors are ready to encourage future engineers.

Read the full article on The Engineer website here and have your say!
